1-Month Interval
Sedan / Sports - $140
SUV / Truck - $160
XL Minivan/Truck/SUV - $180
2-Month Interval
Sedan / Sports - $160
SUV / Truck - $180
XL Minivan/Truck/SUV - $200
A regular maintenance detail will help keep your car in top condition, protected on the inside out, and always looking incredible with a interior detail, exterior detail, and engine bay detail every second service.
$20 more per month, to a maximum of 6 months, after which car returns to a “first time detail” service.
With maintenance detailing, my goal is to make your car look better each time it returns. I have more time to focus on extra work like perform a light polish to the headlights, work on some stubborn stains, or even polish the paint in some areas if I see new scratches. Being on a regularly scheduled detail allows me to become familiar with your vehicle, and address any imperfections that might require additional work with each service. On maintenance vehicles, it is easy for me to overdeliver with this extra care, and give you a better service. Also if I see the car regularly, I can finish faster and be more convenient for you.
The best time to get a car professionally detailed and on the maintenance program, is when your vehicle is new.
Being on the maintenance program after our Ceramic Coating package or first-time detail allows me to become familiar with your vehicle, and evaluate it’s specific needs or areas of attention. With each service, your car will look better than the last. Many of my clients are on the maintenance program at either one, or two month intervals.
BMW M4 maintenance detail.